The school site is noted in DB58 P372:
"That EW Warren and JR Turnage, in consideration of one dollar to them paid by the said County BOard of Education, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold... a tract or parcel of land ... adjoining the lands of William Terry, said Warren and Turnage, and the old Milton Hill school site and others, bounded as follorws, vis:
Beginning at a rock and pointers at the northeast corner of the old Milton Hill school site as re-sureyed by EC Belvin September 10, 1919, and running thence S. 83.25 E 145 feet to a rock and pointers; thence S 6.75 W. 300 feet to rock and pointers; thence N. 83.25 W 138 ft. to the center of the old Guess Rd.; thence along the center of the same N. 45.75 W 18 ft. to an iron stake; thence N 6.75 E 290 ft. to the beginning, contain one acre more or less."
Per Jean Anderson:
A subscription school, Milton Hill on Milton Road, was fondly remembered by Mary Lucy Russell Harris, who began her schooling there at five years of age. Milton Hill was a one-room log structure with a huge fireplace at each end: The teacher sat (when she sat) in a chair in one corner near the fire. The opposite corner was filled with wood and those boys who chewed tobacco sat on top of the wood so they could spit in the fire. . . . There was a long window reaching across one side of the room. Underneath the window was a sloping desk and underneath that a bench. This was the writing desk! A dozen boys and girls could sit there and write in their copy books. On a small shelf by the door was a water bucket and dipper. . . . We had no desks but plenty of benches and children. I'd say that on rainy days when the boys couldn't work in the fields there must have been sixty of us.
[Account of Milton Hill school by Mary Russell Harris, in possession of her daughter, Katherine Harris Reade.]
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